coming together n it feels so gooooddd *

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

a foot hole

The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground, like the buddha im earth bound, whole mighty and round, for if i am not found, please Lord, show me the way and forgive I for being lost today, seems like no matter what i do or say, this world divided still it stays, alone i am here, othas surround me like a sworm of a thousand beez, and im covered in honey, sweet sticky breath i speak in depth, and still alone i am here, they land upon me and take what they need, fly home and find they are still in need, back and back and back they come, still their high buzz over plays my low hums, i stick out my tongue, waiting for rain drops in the heat of the sun, the beez have gone and i am still here, alone, no honey, but i am here, the soft grass settles below my stable feet, the dampness sets in n i feel the soil sink, down just low enough to know my feet have settled, i am not waiting nor am i leaving, but prepared for all believing, the sun comes down and kisses my cheek, the moon sneaks behind and places hands upon my back, my loves will always come and go on their own, n ill thank them for anytime spent, all told and shown, but i am alone here, still here, no honey, no beez, just me here.

© Property of Kasey P. Radley 2010

"calling the earth to witness."


  1. as u stand there covered in honey, sweet as fruits
    let ur feet and mind expand, dig roots
    let the sun be your admirations
    let the moon be your realizations
    Cause the sun shines bright
    And the moon gives a dimmer light

    Your never alone if you got your own thoughts
    may sound far fetch, but they're all you got
    they still may be very divided
    but divided and conquer, never one sided
    so think wise, and ur thought will fulfil

  2. Love it... when is the next one? Been refreshing my page for two days:)

  3. sorry i dont have internet at the house - gotta wait til i get to the public computers to sit n write down a few things :) love that tho thank u !
